Saturday, July 29, 2006

I have a dream

These things suddenly come up in my mind this morning:

1. Sponsor a child.
2. See Katie in Japan.

That worldvision ad is on TV 24/7. "With $33 a month, you can give a child clean water, better education and a better living environment." It draws me to tears. I am going to buy less videos and eat out less to help these innocent child, especially those little girls in Cambodia, I don't want them grow up being a prostitue and die of AIDS. I want them to have a better life. Must sign-up this week.

For Katie, I am going to miss her. Her boss is going to send her to the Tokyo office for two years. She won't be in Hong Kong this year end when I go back. I will miss her company. She's such a good girl and a great friend. I miss her egg rolls and her miso soup packs (although I can find them in Sydney, it's never the same to get them from a dear friend). I am going to see her in Japan this year end if I can afford it. I really hope I can. Afterall, I've never been to Japan. Maybe Shiyu is interested too? Must ask her tomorrow.